Create your account in Goto Paid URL Shortener - Highest Paying URL Shortener, so you can get all the great features for free!
Now you can shorten your links using any tool you want.
Share your short links with your friends, forums or websites and get paid for every click.
Goto Paid URL Shortener - Highest Paying URL Shortener is a completely free link shorting website where you can create short links, which apart from you get paid! So, now you can make money online while managing and protecting your links.
It is just 3 steps: create an account, create a link and post it - for every visit, you earn money. Just that easy!
Goto Paid URL Shortener - Highest Paying URL Shortener referral program is a great way to earn extra money by sharing Goto Paid URL Shortener - Highest Paying URL Shortener with your friends! Refer new users and receive 5% of their earnings for life!
Control and track all of your links from the publisher dashboard with a click of a button.
Know your audience. Analyse in detail what brings you the most income and what strategies you should adapt.
You are required to earn only Rs. 100.00 (Less than $1) in order to request a payment!
Make the highest profit from your traffic with our increasing rates.
Shorten links more quickly with API and bring your creative and advanced ideas.
We have very easy user interface. We are introducing WordPress plugin and android apps for giving best user experience to our publisher.
A dedicated support team is ready to help 24/7.
The best website ever; I can shorten, track my links and earn money at the same time. Amazing!
Goto URL Shortener is great paid url shorter service with high paying rate for worldwide traffic. At first I though it is just fake website but when I received Rs. 1565 into my eSewa from team, I became sure it is really legal service.
Goto Paid URL Shortener ( is a very reliable paying link shortener as per my experience. My first payment was arrived in 1 day and second payment took less than 20 mins. That is fastest paying time compared to many url shortener ever till this date.
To be honest, I have never seen or found any better website than Goto Paid URL Shortener - Highest Paying URL Shortener I feel like I get double paid for the same job in other websites.
The good thing about Goto Paid URL Shortener - Highest Paying URL Shortener is that you can shorten links that you want others to see while getting paid for it.