
We accept online payments through mobile wallet including but not limited eSewa, Khalti, IME Pay and CellPay. We also accept Internet or Mobile Banking, Bank Swift, Western Union, eSewa Remit, Prabhu Money Transfer and Bank Deposit as well.

These are are mode of payments that we receive while dealing with our publisher and advertising partner. Currently we don't receive payments through other mode of international payment i.e. PayPal and Cryptocurrency due to government restriction but we still send funds to our customer worldwide with their preferred method when minimum withdrawal reach. Customer can set up their preferred payment method from their profile edit section.

Our Bank Details

Nabil Bank Limited

Address of Bank: Sabhagriha Chok, Pokhara, Nepal

Account Number: 12100175117730

Account Type: Saving

Account Holder: Um Bahadur Gurung

Swift Code: NPBBNPKA

Sunrise Bank Limited

Address of Bank: Waling, Syangja, Nepal

Account Number: 1030587891209001

Account Type: Payroll

Account Holder: Um Bahadur Gurung

Swift Code: SRBLNPKA

Our Mobile Wallets

Support Team

Feel free to contact us from account dashboard (profile) for any help, inquiry, support and more details.

For Phone Support

  1. +977-9817106847
  2. +977-9864891366

For Email Support